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ODECO Sidenotes

  • The Open Web As AI’s New Playground: Legal Frictions

    Reflections from a virtual workshop conducted by Ramya Chandrasekhar As foundation AI models (such as large language models and generative AI) are becoming more commonplace, it is also important to study the data sources used to build and train these data-intensive technologies. The quality of training data is significant determiner of the quality and accuracy…

  • Open data and commons literature

    Some ruminations on why I turn to commons literature to answer the questions of ODECO. Commons can yield productive insights from an ecosystemic perspective Central to ODECO is an ecosystemic perspective. ODECO starts from the premise that the generation and use of open data is not linear, but depends on multiple intersecting forces of competition…

  • High value datasets – What can the EU learn from India?

    In the European Union, the concept of “high value datasets” has been introduced by way of the Open Data Directive. Based on these attributes, the Open Data Directive requires public bodies to make these datasets available for re-use free of charge (in most cases), available as bulk downloads and accessible through APIs, and machine-readable. In…

  • Open data licenses and use restrictions

    One of the defining characteristics of open data is that is it free to use and re-use. Legal claims of copyright or the sui generis right over datasets make re-use difficult. Open data licenses allow dataset creators to provide pre-facto authorisations for re-use of their datasets. This helps contribute more open data to the ecosystem.…