The aim of this research notebook is to document projects of the open science programme currently being structured at the Centre Internet et Société. This programme is based around the €2M European PathOS project ( It aims to : (1) develop a methodology for measuring the social, economic and academic impact of open science, tested through case studies. (2) generate engagement in open science by training, informing and connecting its main stakeholders (researchers, citizens, research funders, publishers, administrators, etc.). The PathOS project finds continuation in the “Open Science and Society” working group, one of the 16 WG of the CIS “Internet, AI and Society” research network. This year, the SOS WG is the leader of a project jointly funded by CIS (3k), UAR2276 (5k), ANR Reforms (5k), OpenEdition’s CPJ SO (5k), and INSHS (5k). Through two symposiums, eight seminar sessions conceived as “public conversations” in preferably non-academic venues, and a podcast, the aim is to develop a critical and reflexive analysis of open science, its presuppositions and contradictions, by giving space to its great diversity of actors – activists, patient groups, fablabs, feminists, citizen scientists – in order to expose their common methodological and political issues and the way they negotiate their relationship to the institution. Internally, the CIS is organizing practical workshops on how to open, securing and ensuring compliance of its researchers’ data and practices. These workshops will be the subject of a meta-analysis linked to certain aspects explored in PathOS and the working group. Finally, the CIS is piloting a project to publish a small web encyclopedia of open science, commissioned by the national coordinator of open science, with the aim of disseminating its key concepts and federating a community of readers and contributors with varied profiles. Here’s how the future notebook will be organized, along five main lines: (1) PathOS project work – Datasprints (DS) (Datasprint = technical workday) o A page on the DS OpenEdition (S1 2023), with a presentation of participants, presentations, slides, etc. o One page on DS HAL (S2 2023), idem o One page on the DS RechercheDataGouv (S1 2024), idem o One page on the DS synthesis (S2 2024), idem – Focus Groups (FG), three 2h recorded discussions between external experts to evaluate our approach o One page on the focus group of around ten participants, lasting 2 hours, set up prior to our case study, presentation of participants, summary of interventions, availability of slides etc… o One page on the focus group held after datasprint #2, idem o One page on the final focus group, idem (2) The work of the Open Science and Society seminar – Study days o One page on the kick-off: looking back on seminar 20-21 o One page on the closing day, in connection with the day of restitution of the winners of the AAP Sciences et/en société de l’INSHS. – Seminars, eight sessions, one session per month, one page per session – Podcast: a page dedicated to our podcast, with a dozen episodes of around a quarter of an hour, devoted to a theme, a speaker from our seminar, or an INSHS AAP project. (3) CIS workshops on data openness, security and RGPD compliance: a regularly updated page, keeping a log of workshop implementation, researcher participation, collaboration with the chosen service provider and IT support services. (4) Petite Encyclopédie de la Science Ouverte: a summary page presenting this web publishing initiative, in collaboration with the MESR national open science coordinator, aimed at disseminating key open science concepts and federating a community of contributors. (5) Cross-cutting issues for the four projects (issues in square brackets []) – Impact, usage and causality: from econometric measurement to ethnography of usage [1, 2] – What is a stakeholder? [1, 2, 4] – RGPD, openness, confidentiality and ethics [1, 2, 3] – Gender, digital and openness in science, in collaboration with the CIS GDR working group: [1, 2]