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ODECO in a Nutshell ^

ODECO is a 4-year Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network initiative (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020, grant agreement 955569). The central aim of the ODECO consortium network is to train the next generation of creative and innovative early stage open data researchers, to unlock their creative and innovative potential to address current and future challenges in the creation of user driven, circular and inclusive open data ecosystem.

ODECO comprises of 15 researchers spread across 7 European countries. Partner organisations to the ODECO consortium include local public bodies, advocacy organisations and open data intermediaries.

Source: van Loenen, B., Zuiderwijk, A. ., Vancauwenberghe, G., Lopez-Pellicer, F. J. ., Mulder, I., Alexopoulos, C. ., Magnussen, R., Saddiqa, M., Dulong de Rosnay, M., Crompvoets, J., Polini, A., Re, B., & Casiano Flores, C. (2021). Towards value-creating and sustainable open data ecosystems: A comparative case study and a research agenda. JeDEM – EJournal of EDemocracy and Open Government, 13(2), 1–27.

More information on ODECO can be found here: 

What are we doing in ODECO?^

The main task of CIS in the ODECO project is to develop licenses and other legal strategies for non-government open data. Our methodology is a mix of legal and qualitative research. We draw from the disciplines of law, political economy, governance, critical data studies, and STS. Our political orientation is towards inclusive and sustainable data commons, with collective decision making over what data becomes open and for whom.

We contribute legal and governance perspectives to ODECO workpackages. In particular, we have created a first iteration of commons-based action principles for governance of open data ecosystems using the Delphi methodology. We will also conduct exploratory research on public-private partnerships for open data and collective data governance structures.

In parallel, we work on three case-studies to develop specific insights:

  • Access to and re-use of platform data
  • Data governance in the context of AI training datasets
  • Health data for open science

Useful links

ODECO Training weeks ^

LocationCIS contributions
Training week 1, Aalborg University Copenhagen
(August 29 – September 2, 2022)
Interactive learning session on professional and research integrity for PhD researchers led by Melanie Dulong de Rosnay
Training week 2, University of Zaragoza
(March 27 – 31, 2023)
Interactive learning session on research ethics led by Melanie Dulong de Rosnay
Training week 3, University of Camerino
(September 11 – 15, 2023)
Workshop on governance instruments to address open data user needs and challenged, facilitated by Silvia Cazacu and Ramya Chandrasekhar
Training week 4, KU Leuven
(April 15 – 19, 2024)
Training week 5, University of the Aegean Samos
(August 26 – 30, 2024)
Workshop on sustainable collaborations in the open data ecosystem, facilitated by Davide de Staso and Ramya Chandrasekhar

ODECO Deliverables with CIS contributions ^

Task 2.3 Open data user needs from a governance perspective [LINK]
Task 5.1Modes of allocating roles, tasks and responsibilities in open data ecosystems [LINK]
Task 5.2Strategies to balance and distribute value in open data ecosystems [LINK]
Task 5.3Strategies towards sustainable open data ecosystems [LINK]

Case-studies and publications: [Forthcoming] ^

Workshops: Attended / organised by CIS ^

Conferences: Attended / organised by CIS ^

Sidenotes: Go to our blog ^

Related work ^

From April to June 2024, researcher Ramya Chandrasekhar was on secondment with Inno3 Consulting. In this secondment, Ramya conducted interviews with AI stakeholders on legal challenges in re-use of publicly-available data from the Internet to create training datasets. The planned research output is report/paper, containing an overview of these legal challenges, and reflections on next-steps for governance of data as a commons.

We also work closely with the Open Knowledge Foundation to translate our conceptual research into policy and impact. In particular, we are developing insights on commons-based governance of Digital Public Infrastructures. We submitted a policy brief for T20, an engagement group of the G20 in Brazil. We draw from governance practices of large digital commons projects like Wikipedia and Linux, to argue for the need to keep DPIs in the commons to maximise their social value as well as enable scaling-up of DPIs.

Participants ^

Ramya Chandrasekhar | Legal Researcher
Ramya Chandrasekhar | Legal Researcher
Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay | Director of research

Funding acknowledgement